Linde Services Inc.
Petro-Chemical Services for the Oil & Gas Industry

CO2 Well Stimulation Services
At Linde, we offer well pad storage and carbon dioxide (CO2) pumping with our dedicated fleet of up to 60-ton storage vessels, manifolds and boost pumps with remote operation. We are a leader in gas supply logistics and liquid sourcing. And our highly skilled industry technicians, engineers and field supervisors work closely with service providers and owners to ensure each service job is executed flawlessly.

Enhanced Oil Recovery Services
Reservoirs in a mature primary or secondary stage of production are candidates for gas displacement recovery applying carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen (N2) injection. To determine if your reservoirs are amenable to this service, we use geological analysis and computer modeling to understand which strategies will work best. But before investing in the infrastructure necessary to enhance oil recovery (EOR) on your full field, we offer smaller scale pilot testing services. We’ll provide short to medium term — typically 1 to 36 months — supply, delivery and pumping of CO2 or N2 to your fields to enable pilot testing.

Nitrogen Supply & Pressure Pumping
Linde has the supply infrastructure, storage and pumping equipment to meet your high-pressure nitrogen needs for any oil or gas well application. We deliver liquid nitrogen to the well site in truck mounted storage vessels and have high-pressure pumps which deliver liquid at high-pressures needed for your unique applications. We also have direct fired and heat recovery vaporizers to convert liquid N2 to gas at the desired discharge temperature.

Huff n’ Puff Services
Linde Services Inc.'s cyclical Huff n’ Puff service stimulates aging oil wells with CO2 to recover tertiary oil. In this process, CO2 is injected into a single well. The well is shut-in for a designated soaking period and the CO2 dissolves into the oil to cause swelling, increased saturation and permeability, and reduced viscosity. Oil is then produced back from the stimulated well typically at a higher rate than before treatment.
CO2 Huff n' Puff Services for Stimulating Oil Wells