Smooth Plate Belt Surface Minimizes Product Drip Loss

CRYOLINE® PB Plate Belt Freezer

The new CRYOLINE® PB plate belt tunnel freezer from Linde crust freezes a variety of difficult to handle products such as marinated proteins, sauced foods, semi-liquid products, and others. 
Plate Belt At-a-Glance
  • Flat stainless-steel segmented conveyer belt
  • Excellent yield retention, controls moisture loss
  • Freeze difficult to handle products
  • Quickly freezes through contact with the cold plate belt
  • Reduces belt marks
Plate belt surface
Smooth Plate Belt Paired with the Cryovantage Freezer

The CRYOLINE® PB plate belt freezer improves product yield for food manufacturers by minimizing product loss during freezing. The plate belt tunnel freezer features a specially designed solid stainless-steel segmented conveyor belt to crust freeze difficult to handle products, such as raw, marinated proteins, sauced foods, and semi-liquid products. A frozen crust is quickly formed on products in the liquid nitrogen-powered freezer, making them easy-to-handle and increasing yield by reducing moisture loss. 

Minimize the Belt Marks - Boost the Appeal

Using a solid surface conveyor belt in lieu of a chain link belt reduces belt marks and practically eliminates sticking and dripping, which improves sanitation and cleanability. The belt is chilled in the freezer to cryogenic temperatures. So as products are placed on the solid belt, the outside surface quickly freezes through contact with the cold plate belt. Crust freezing locks-in moisture, brine, marinade, and sauces, so there are minimal losses in downstream processing steps. PB Market Information Sheet

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